Episode #286

20/20 Money Episode #286 – Harnessing the power and momentum from optometry meetings with your operations manager: a conversation with Dr. Todd Cohan & Sadie Blair

April 29, 2024

Welcome to this episode of 20/20 Money! My guests on today’s show are Dr. Todd Cohan and Sadie Blair. 

Todd & Sadie join me on the show today to talk about the successful dynamic that exists between both of them as owner and practice operations manager. Todd shares how impactful it’s been to have a great team member and integrator like Sadie in the practice and how that has allowed the practice to continue to grow. They share how they’ll both process all of the ideas, strategies, and concepts that they (and their team) will have learned at IDOC Connection and how they decide which ones they’ll implement and how they manage timelines. Sadie shares how she successfully transitioned from a larger corporate-structured practice into Todd’s smaller, private practice and how she earned the buy-in from the team that Todd already had in place. I enjoyed recording this conversation because it shows the different vantage points from owner and operations manager—and why open lines of communication on all fronts is so important for practice success. 

As a reminder, you can get all the information discussed in today’s conversation by visiting our website at integratedpwm.com and clicking on the Learning Center. While there, be sure to subscribe to our monthly “planning life on purpose” newsletter that’s filled with tips and ideas to help you plan your best life, on purpose. You can also set up a Triage conversation to learn a little bit more about how we serve in the capacity of a personal and professional CFO: helping OD practice owners around the country reduce their tax bill, proactively manage cash flow, and make prudent investment decisions both in and out of their practice to ultimately help them live their best life on purpose. You can also check out any number of additional free resources like our eBooks, blog posts, and on-demand webinars. Lastly, if you’re interested in learning more about the upcoming launch of the 20/20 Money Membership, please check out the link in the Resources to learn more about what we have in store for you! 

And with that introduction, I hope you enjoy my conversation with 


20/20 Money Community Information 

All in by Mike Michalowicz 

6 Types of Working Genius 

IDOC Connection 

Episode Transcript

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